Thursday 18 December 2014

Thiruvananthapuram Vs Thiruvattar

Perumal in Bhujanga sayanamFacing east Facing west
No.of salagramams used in vigraha1200016108
Lord Shiva Seennear Perumal’s Thirumugam Near Perumal’s Thiruvadi
Lord Brahma Emerging from Lord’s Thirunaabhi Not seen
Dwajasthambams Golden in front of Padmanabha swamy silver in frontof Krishna’s sannidhi Only one in front of Kesava Perumal
Ootakal mandapam measurement of stone in front of garbagriham wherepiligrims  stand for darshan20 X 20-31/2 “ thick18 X 25- 3 feetthick
sculpturesGaruda Hanuman DwarapalakasLakshmana Indrajit Pathanjalietc
Aaratu festival accompanied byMaharaja of TravancoreKing’s representativescarrying royal insignia the sword
Thiruvonam dayNILCarpenter makes a bow leaves it in front of thesannidhi without looking back and next day it is presented to the king.

